Site icon Catch Themes

①Header height, ②featured slider color, 3gray line

Hello Sakin, Thank a lot for your generosity for replying to everyone. I would like to ask you about three questions as follows. (1) Height between the featured slider and page top → I'd like to reduce the height between the border top of featured slider to the top of the page. (2) Color of the circles embedded in featured slider → I'd like to change the default color of green(#7c9b30) to others. → It seems that I have no option in theme options.Please tell me the CSS part where I can change it. (3) gray line sitting between the featured contents and the footer on the top page → I'd like to erase the gray line. → I couldn't find out Which part of CSS rules this line. My wepsite is as follows. Sorry but I couldn't find the answers by myself. I would appreciate your help.
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