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  • #48167

    I LOVE this theme. However, I am going with a green scheme, instead of the blue/gray that was part of the original theme. There are 4 areas I have not been able to change the color. Can you help me with the custom css?

    1. Four blue circles at the bottom of the featured posts slider.
    2. Bottom border of the featured post slider box.
    3. Hover color of the links in the Featured Content boxes (4).
    4. Links in recent posts, recent comments, and archives.

    I was only successful in changing links in the body of the page, not in the other elements. Thanks so much.

    My temporary site is 243.615.myftpupload.com


    @benowchiro: You can change the color as per your need and then add it in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box:

    /* Slider controller color */
    #controllers a:hover, #controllers a.active { background-color: #009933; }
    /* Slider border and background color */
    #main-slider { background-color: #009933; border-color: #009933; }
    /* Title Hover Color */
    .entry-header .entry-title a:hover { color: #009933; }
    /* Widgets link Color */
    .widget-area .widget a { color: #757575; }
    .widget-area .widget a:hover { color: #0088cc; }

    Once again, you ROCK!! Thanks.


    I really appreciate all of your help. I now want to tweak some of the colors/placements in my footer.

    1. I would like the link hover color to be yellow (in footer only) as well as the email link on hover.
    2. I am using a 3-widget footer. I want the left footer on the left side (as it is), the middle widget to be in the center of the page, and the right widget to be closer to the right edge (similar to the spacing of the left widget to the left edge.) Is this possible???

    Thanks again.


    @benowchiro: Oh wow, you are adding lot of questions 🙂 Looks like you are trying to make free version to Pro one.

    1. You can change the color code in the following css and then add it in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.
    #supplementary .widget-area .widget a:hover { color: #ddd; }

    2. This is not possible with just custom css. You might consider hiring special CSS Developer to edit this. Sorry not in my hand


    Thanks again Sakin, if you can confirm the pro version will allow me to do the following 3 things, I WILL be buying it. I have no interest in doing CSS on a go-forward basis, but I want to make sure I can do all the things I would like to with my site…

    Would I be able to:

    1. Add bullets on recent posts list to make the individual links more distinguishable
    2. Place a small graphic at the bottom of header box so I have some separation from the header and each page’s content (and not just white space.)
    3. Center featured content headings under each of the pictures.

    Again, thanks for your help. You are earning my business, and my friend’s, too. If my page turns out great, she wants to use/buy the same theme!


    @benowchiro: Buying is your decision and I don’t force you. Just purchase it when you feels like to or donate to free version. It’s all your wish.

    1. For this, you can add the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box:

    .widget.widget_recent_entries ul { list-style: disc; }
    .widget.widget_recent_entries ul li { margin-left: 20px; }

    2. To add separator image, you have two options.
    First, you can use the css and add image with that.

    #masthead  {
        background: url("Iamge-URL") repeat scroll center bottom transparent;

    Second option, you can upload Header Featured Image Form “Appearance => Theme Options => Header Featured Image Options” and in “Enable Featured Header Image”, select “Entire Site”.

    3. You can add the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box:
    #featured-post .entry-title { text-align: center; }

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