Catch Launch

Catch Launch is a minimalistic responsive theme compatible on an array of browsers and mobile devices. This theme is perfect if you have a website in development and you simply need to let your visitors know how to get in touch with you or provide a countdown to when exactly your site will launch. It comes with a lot of handy options like our other themes. A unique feature of this theme however is the launch counter and a simple drag and drop widget for adding content.

Installation using the Administration Panel

To add a new Theme to your WordPress installation, follow these basic steps:

  1. Download Catch Launch from your Catch Themes member My-Account to your Desktop.
  2. Log in to the WordPress Administration Panel
  3. Click on “Appearance => Themes => Add New”
  4. Click on “Uploads” and Browse the downloaded file from the desktop where you have it downloaded
  5. Click on “Install Now” and then “Activate” to install the Theme

Manual Installation using FTP

To add a new Theme to your WordPress installation, follow these basic steps:

  1. Download Catch Launch from your Catch Themes member My-Account to your Desktop.
  2. Unzip to your Desktop.
  3. Using an FTP client to access your host web server. Go to /wp-content/themes/ and make sure that you do not already have a Catch Launch folder installed
  4. If you do, then back it up and remove it from /wp-content/themes/ before uploading your copy of Catch Launch
  5. Upload Catch Launch to /wp-content/themes/.
  6. Activate Catch Launch through the “Appearance => Themes” in your WordPress Dashboard

Updating Theme Using the Administration Panel

You can update Themes directly from the Administration Panel using Catch Updater plugin. Click here to read details about Catch Updater plugin.


Catch Launch currently has only one widgetized area or sidebar that is “Main Content”. You can add a variety of Widgets to this theme through “Appearance => Widgets” in WordPress
Titles shown on the Menu are titles of the Pages. To add a Menu item, simply add a Page. Go to “Appearance => Widgets”. Drag the widget Catchthemes: Show Selected Page to Sidebar and select the Page in the widget. This theme does not have a registered Menu.

Theme Options

You can customize this theme using the cool additional features through “Appearance => Theme Options” in your WordPress Dashboard.

Header Images

This also supports Custom Header feature, which is a great way to change the Header image of your choice. Add yours by clicking on “Appearance => Header”.


Custom Background is another great feature of WordPress that is supported in Base. Add yours by clicking on “Appearance => Background”.

Featured Slider

Just add Pages to the Sidebar and those Pages will slide, in the content area. Catch Launch is a single page theme, hence all Pages will slide in the same content area/page.

Social Media Icons

Catch Launch has custom social icons for various social networking sites. You can activate the social icons you want by adding in the Social Profile Link through “Appearance =>Theme Options => Social Links” in your WordPress Dashboard.

Webmaster Tools

Catch Launch supports Webmaster Tools and Scripts. You can verify your site on Google, Yahoo and Bing by adding in the IDs in the respective boxes through “Appearance => Webmaster Tools” in your WordPress Dashboard. Further, you can add in the Google Analytics. Adding scripts in Header and Footer does not require you to edit codes through Webmaster Tools.

Formatting Options

Catch Launch allows you to format different parts of the theme. You can change the size, font and color of any text that appears on the theme. You will find these design settings in “Appearance => Theme Options => Formatting Options”.

Custom CSS

You can add your custom CSS that will overwrite the theme CSS for further design customization.

Footer Editor

You can edit the information in the footer, by simply changing the text using Footer Editor option in theme settings through Theme Options. Some shortcodes are also available for your use.

Embed multimedia into Posts or Pages

For externally hosted videos (for example a YouTube or Vimeo video), you can directly paste the link of your video page into the content editor. You do not necessarily have to paste the embed code in the content. WordPress will automatically embed the video from the link.

How to Change Favicon?

  1. Go to “Appearance => Theme Options” in your WordPress Dashboard
  2. Select the Design Settings Tab
  3. Select Favicon Options
  4. Now click on Change Favicon button
  5. Browse for Favicon image from desired location and click on “Insert into Post” button
  6. Click on Save Changes button and see the preview

How to Set the Countdown Date?

  1. Go to “Appearance => Theme Options” in your WordPress Dashboard
  2. Select the Theme Settings tab
  3. Then select Countdown Options bar
  4. Select the desired date and time as according to the timezone set in WordPress
  5. Click on Save Changes button

Note: Countdown counter is only displayed if the Disable Countdown box is unchecked and if completion date-time is greater than the current date-time in WordPress.

How to Activate E-mail Notification?

  1. Go to “Appearance => Theme Options” in your WordPress Dashboard
  2. Select Theme Settings tab
  3. Then select Countdown Options bar
  4. Type in the hours (number)
  5. Floating values will be rounded off
  6. Click on Save Changes button

Note: An E-mail notification reminds the admin of the countdown timer’s expiry. You will get a notification if someone visits your WordPress site past your scheduled launch time. E-mail will be sent only if Disable Countdown box has been unchecked.

How to Insert Site Verification IDs

  1. Go to “Appearance => Webmaster Tools” in your WordPress Dashboard
  2. Click on Site Verification
  3. Enter the Site Verification ID (Google, Yahoo, Bling) wherever you wish to verify your site
  4. Click on Save button

How to Insert Analytics / Other scripts?

  1. Go to “Appearance => Webmaster Tools” in your WordPress Dashboard
  2. Click on Analytics
  3. Here you can put different scripts like, google, facebook etc.
  4. Enter the script in upper text area, for text you want to load on Header
  5. Enter the script in lower text area, for text you want to load on Footer
  6. Click on Save button

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